Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science International Relations and World Organizations Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set-(USA) Political Science Al/(USA) Political Science Freedom Of Speech and Press Role Sample Test,Sample questions

  Of a good free press it is expected that it should: 

1.Lay more stress on national rather than international events

2.Give fair picture of national progress

3.Focus attention on failures of the government

4.None of the above

  Which one of the following is not the function of a good and free press? 

1.To create healthy public opinion

2.To promote cultural heritage

3.To help in the eradication of social evils

4. To encourgae communal disharmony

  Which one of the following statements is correct? 

1.Balckstone an English Jurist did not consider censorship as a restraint on freedom of speech

2.The French philosophers of the nineteenth century did not consider censorship as restraint on freed pm of the speech

3.he U.S. courts have not regarded prior censorship as a restriction on freedom of speech

4.All the above considered censorship as restriction on freedom of speech

 A free press is one which: . 

1.Spreads communal hatred

2.Propagate violence

3.Sides with the elites

4.Gives an impartial account of events

 Freedom of press includes: 

1.Right to print and publish news and views

2.To distribute or circulate the printed matters

3.To comment on public affairs and criticize public men and measures

4. All the above

 Freedom of speech and free press are: 

1.Complementary of each other

2. Contradictory to each other

3.Partly complementary to each other

4. Both complementary as well as contradictory to each other

 Freedom of speech is usually available in: 

1.Totalitarian states


3.Liberal democracies

4.Fascist states

 If freedom of speech is desired by a nation for that it is essential that there should be: 

1.Single party system

2.Liberal democracy

3.Philosopher king

4.Presidential system of Government

 If the people want to have freedom of speech for that it is essential that they: 

1.Should be vigilant

2.They should leave it to the Government

3.They should leave it to the opposition

4.They should leave everything to the care of the head of the government

 In a parliamentary democracy good press is expected to: 

1. Build healthy public opinion

2.Cash on sensational news

3. Be motivated by profit motives

4.Seek directions of the ruling party

 In India the people have been given freedom of speech because: 

1. It is provided in the constitution as a fundamental right

2. The government of the day will it

3.The people are vigilant

4.The opposition is strong and well organised

 It is usually believed about freedom of speech that: 

1.There should be no restriction on it

2.There should be some reasonable restrictions on it

3.There should be absolute freedom

4.It should be left to the decision of the executive head

 The Soviet Constitution of 1936 did not grant freedom of speech to:  


2.Enemies of socialism


4.All the above three categories of persons

 Which of the following is no a reasonable restriction on the freedom of speech? 

1.It should not defame the nation

2. It should not criticise the government bluntly

3.It should not disturb peace

4.It should not instigate communal feelings

 Which of the following is not linked closely with the freedom of speech? 

1.Free press

2.Right to hold meetings

3.Right to criticise the government

4.Right to hold property

 Which one of the following Constitutions does not grant right to freedom of speech? 

1.Swiss Constitution of 1874

2.USSR Constitution of 1936

3.Japanese Constitution of 1946

4. None of the above

 Which one of the following function is not performed by the press? 

1. It provides ready-made opinion to the people

2.It helps the government in knowing public mind

3. It helps the government in preparation of electoral lists

4.It acquaints the people with the various problems facing the country

 Which one of the following is essential for freedom of speech? 

1.Enlightened public opinion

2.Rich peasantry

3.Powerful government

4.None of the above

 Which one of the following is true about freedom of speech in India? 

1.It has been given to the people by the President

2.It has been forcibly obtained by the opposition

3. For it the people had to put in hard struggle

4.It has been provided in the constitution

 Which one of the following statements is correct? 

1.Freedom of speech came to be acknowledged as a right only after the First World War

2.Freedom of speech was acknowledged as a right only in the post-Second World War period

3.Freedom of speech was for the first time granted by the original constitution of USA

4.Freedom of speech was first of all granted by the First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution

Freedom of speech is a feature of: 

1.Democratic Constitutions

2.Totalitarian Constitutions

3. Democratic as well as totalitarian constitutions

4. None of the above

Importance of free press all over the world has increased because: 

1.The Governments want to give it to the people

2.The Governments have now no means to restrict this freedom

3.The people are awakening everywhere

4.There is keen competition in the press industry

In the constitution of India freedom of press exists because: 

1.The government are highly educated

2.Propagate violence

3.The people are highly educated

4.It is implied in the right of expression

Of a good press it is expected that: 

1. It should give the viewpoint of the government only

2.It should focus opposition viewpoint only

3.It should devote attention both to the government and opposition viewpoint

4.It should prefer government viewpoint over opposition

On which of the following grounds government in India cannot restrict freedom of speech? 

1.When security of state is in danger

2.When stability of Government is in danger

3.When public order is likely to be disturbed

4.When relations with foreign Government are likely to be spoiled

reasonably be restricted? 

1.When people begin to vehemently criticise the government

2.When the right endangers well established social norms

3.When the right endangers well established social norms

4. When foreign governments do not like criticism

The importance of the press has increased in recent years due to: 

1.Spread of education

2. Invention of printing machines

3.Manufacture of paper in large quantity

4. Introduction of quick means of transportation

The right to freedom of speech and expression: 

1.Does not include freedom of press

2.Includes freedom of press

3.Includes freedom of press only in certain respects

4.None of the above

The terms press includes: 

1. Newspapers only

2.Weekly and monthly periodicals only

3.Newspapers weeklies monthlies and other published material

4. None of the above

Which of the following is not covered under the freedom of press? 

1.Expression of views of the opposition

2.Publication of the views of the intelligentsia

3.Publication of letters to the editor

4.Suppression of the views of the opposition

Which one of the following does not fall under the purview of freedom of speech and expression? 

1. Freedom of propagation of ideas

2.Freedom of circulation one s ideas

3.Freedom of publish one s ideas

4.None of the above

Which one of the followings does not fall under the freedom of press? 

1.Right to print public news and views

2.Right to gather news

3.Freedom not to publish any news article correspondence or other matter

4.None of the above

Who of the following is usually denied freedom of speech? 

1.The working labourers

2.Unemployed youth

3.Peasants and agriculturists

4. Skilled technocrats


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  85. Indian Polity & Constitution MCQs Part 1
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